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2 quotes found searching on Kevin Joseph Aloysius "Chuck" Connors

I owe baseball all that I have and much of what I hope to have. Baseball made my entrance to the film industry immeasurably easier than I could have made it alone. To the greatest game in the world, I shall be eternally in debt.

The television and movie actor attributing much of his success and career back to his baseball days during which he learned valuable lessons and teamwork

Kevin Joseph Aloysius "Chuck" Connors
Chicago Cubs
One of only 12 NBA & MLB players

Well known for his TV show role in "The Rifleman"

It was easy to figure out Mr. Rickey's thinking about contracts. He had both players and money, and just didn't like to see the two of them mix.

On Dodgers GM Branch Rickey, who originally signed Connors

Kevin Joseph Aloysius "Chuck" Connors
Chicago Cubs
One of only 12 NBA & MLB players

Well known for his TV show role in "The Rifleman"

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