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197 quotes found searching on Position: OF

My focus at the plate is trying to get on base. A lot of people say they're trying to get a hit. I'm just trying to get on base. I'm going to make the pitcher throw me three strikes. If I get the first strike and it's a good one and that's what I want, I'll hit that one. For the most part, I want to make a pitcher work and I want to get a strike to hit. If I swing at strikes, I'll be successful.

Milton Obelle Bradley
Chicago Cubs

The greatest second baseman of them all; he could lay on his stomach and throw a hundred yards.

On teammate Fred Pfeffer

Michael Joseph "King" Kelly
Chicago White Stockings
HOF 1945

We were given bats instead of rattles.

The Hall-Of-Famer on his upbringing in Cleveland with brothers Frank, Jim, Joe and Tom, all of whom also played in the major leagues

Edward James "Ed" Delahanty
Philadelphia Phillies
HOF 1945; a.k.a. "Big Ed"

Hell, no. If I could have cut that hit into singles, I'd lead the whole damn league.

Upon being congratulated after hitting a tremendous home run in St. Louis, with Mike Donlin, then with the Cardinals, telling him, "That's one you can be proud of, Ed."

Edward James "Ed" Delahanty
Philadelphia Phillies
HOF 1945; a.k.a. "Big Ed"

He's a wonder. He can start more fights, and win fewer, than anybody I ever saw.

On New York's player/manager, John McGraw

Michael Joseph "Turkey Mike" Donlin
New York Giants

Hey mister, can you spell "shit"?

When a spectator heckled the virtually illiterate slugger, asking "Hey Jackson, can you spell 'cat'?"

Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Chicago White Sox
Contributed by: Lee Gibbs

Don't get me wrong, fellows. I don't mind being called a pr*ck or a c*cks*cker or things like that. I expect that. But lay off the personal stuff.

To the New York Giants in their clubhouse during the 1921 World Series after a game in which Giants infielder Johnny Rawlings directed a racial slur against Ruth

George Herman "Babe" Ruth
New York Yankees
HOF 1936

Wrigley Field, I love it. They're going to throw beer on you when you get back to the outfield anyway, so you might as well do something.

On hitting home runs against the Cubs

Adam Troy Dunn
Washington Nationals
3/1/09 Washington Post

Contributed by: Rich Bohn

He was a moody guy, a tantrum thrower like me. But when he punched a locker or something he always did it with his right hand. He was a careful tantrum thrower.

On pitcher Lefty Grove

Theodore Samuel "Ted" Williams
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1966

Pitchers! I wanted them dead.

The 20-season Hall of Famer reflecting aggressively on his .334 career batting average

Aloysius Harry "Al" Simmons
Philadelphia Athletics
HOF 1953

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