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4 quotes found searching on Position: Radio Announcer

Winfield goes back to the wall. He hits his head on the wall -- and it rolls off! It's rolling all the way back to second base! This is a terrible thing for the Padres.

Describing a fly ball to Dave Winfield

Gerald Francis "Jerry" Coleman
San Diego Padres
Radio Announcer

The Yankees Win! Thhhheeeee Yankees Win!

Sterling on the New York Yankees winning game four of the 1998 World Series. Sterling ended each of the 125 Yankee wins that season with this line.

John Sterling
None None
Radio Announcer

All the Padres need is a fly ball in the air.

Gerald Francis "Jerry" Coleman
San Diego Padres
Radio Announcer

That's Hendrick's 19th home run. One more and he reaches double figures.

Gerald Francis "Jerry" Coleman
San Diego Padres
Radio Announcer

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