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241 quotes found searching on Team: Yankees

The shutout doesn't matter. It's the 'W'. You want to have the 'W' instead of the 'L'.

Following Game 1 of the 1998 ALCS in which Wells had a shutout going into the ninth when he gave up a two-run homer with one out (Yankees beat Indians 7-2).

David Lee Wells
New York Yankees

He's the leader on this team, I know when Baltimore let us have him, they thought they were giving us a problem. I'll take problems like that anytime.

On David Wells, after winning Game 5 in the 1998 ALCS series against the Indians.

George Steinbrenner
New York Yankees

Everything looks nicer when you win. The girls are prettier. The cigars taste better. The trees are greener.

Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin
New York Yankees

Our (pitching) staff comes from all over. We have a pitcher from Cuba, a pitcher from Japan, a pitcher from Panama, and Boomer Wells is from Mars.

During the 1998 post-season

Constatino Jaime "Tino" Martinez
New York Yankees
HOF 2015

This is the type of thing that as a kid you dream about. Something I've done in my backyard a hundred times. And you never know if you're going to get the opportunity to do it.

On hitting the game winning home run in Game 3 of the 1998 World Series. Brosius went on to win the 1998 World Series MVP.

Scott David Brosius
New York Yankees

At nighttime, you just try to keep him out of jail.

On teammate David 'Boomer' Wells, Pitcher.

David Brian Cone
New York Yankees

Yeah? For what paper?

On being told that Ernest Hemingway was a great writer

Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra
New York Yankees
Catcher - OF
HOF 1972

Contributed by: Nick Johnson

He'd give you the shirt off his back. Of course he'd call a press conference to announce it.

On Reggie Jackson

James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
New York Yankees
HOF 1987

When Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, he and all the space scientists were puzzled by an unidentifiable white object. I knew immediately what it was. That was a home run ball hit off me in 1937 by Jimmie Foxx.

Vernon Louis "Lefty" Gomez
New York Yankees
HOF 1972

The secret to managing is to keep the guys who hate you away from the guys who are undecided.

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

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