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216 quotes found searching on Position: Manager

As long as I've got one chance to beat you I'm going to take it.

Leo Ernest "The Lip" Durocher
Brooklyn Dodgers
HOF 1994

I've got nothing against the bunt ... in its place. But most of the time, that place is at the bottom of a long forgotten closet.

Earl Sidney Weaver
Baltimore Orioles
HOF 1996

He couldn't cut me if he hit me in the lip with a fastball.

On pitcher Bobby Ojeda

Roger Lee Craig
San Francisco Giants

I think it's a good idea.

After a deplorable day afield, when asked by a reporter what he thought of his team's execution

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

The only way to get the ball past him is to hit it eight feet over his head.

On shortstop Honus Wagner

John Joseph McGraw
New York Giants
HOF 1937

I've seen him make 20 catches better than that one.

On the famed World Series 'Catch' made by Willie Mays

Alvin Ralph Dark
San Francisco Giants

Your stats are just too good. You can't be as bad as you look.

To first baseman Jim Gentile upon including him on the team roster despite a spring training of dropped balls, getting caught off base, and everything else that would irritate a manager

Paul Rapier Richards
Baltimore Orioles

We've got to learn how to stay out of triple plays.

When managing the New York Mets in 1962 and they ended their dreadful inaugural season by hitting into a triple play

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

Parity is not the American way. The American way is to dominate somebody else.

Growing tiresome of complaints over the increasing disparity between rich and poor baseball teams

David Allen "Davey" Johnson
Los Angeles Dodgers

I just don't have that first-step explosion anymore.

After tripping on the dugout steps and falling face-first onto the field while trying to run out to argue a call

Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Seattle Mariners

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