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10 quotes found searching on Team: Mariners

I have an idea what to do about the bullpen, napalm.

After his Mariners relief pitchers blew another lead late in the 1998 season

Stanley Wilson Williams
Seattle Mariners
Pitching Coach

I was a nervous wreck out there. Swear to God. I felt like I was in the presence of the president.

After hitting a double and winding up standing next to Baltimore's Cal Ripken Jr.

John Robert Marzano
Seattle Mariners

I just don't have that first-step explosion anymore.

After tripping on the dugout steps and falling face-first onto the field while trying to run out to argue a call

Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Seattle Mariners

Maybe we tired them out tonight and they won't come out and swing the bats tomorrow.

After losing game 3 of the American League Division Series 17-2 to the Cleveland Indians.

October 14, 2001
Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Seattle Mariners

Good pitches don't leave the ballpark.

Commenting on his game 5 loss in the 2001 ALDS

Aaron Sele
Seattle Mariners

Go home and check your wife, we've got a ballplayer missing.

As an outfielder for the Yankees (1974-1984), yelling back at hecklers in the stands

Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Seattle Mariners

It was going to go into the record book, regardless, as the biggest comeback ever, and the biggest choke ever. Man, they spit the hook. There was a total dichotomy between the two teams. We were finding every way in the world to win, and they were finding every way in the world to lose. We were winning in the most ridiculous ways, against the best closers and starters. They were booting the ball, throwing wild pitches. We were scratching our heads and laughing.

On the 1995 AL West title race with the Angels, who had a 13-game lead reduced to a one-game playoff at the Kingdome

Jay Campbell Buhner
Seattle Mariners
a.k.a. "Bone"

A setback ain't nothin' but an opportunity for a comeback.

Harold Craig Reynolds
Seattle Mariners
Contributed by: Ray Lozano

Our pitchers aren't pitching very well and our hitters aren't hitting very well. Outside of that, we're OK.

As manager of the Cubs (2007-2010), after losing an early spring training game to the White Sox, 13-2

March 04, 2007
Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Seattle Mariners

It's really a nice baseball environment to play in, and I can't wait for the ivory to turn green. It means the weather is warming up and we're ready for a long, hot summer of baseball.

While managing the Chicago Cubs (2007-2010), Lou always referred to the ivy on Wrigley Field's outfield walls as "ivory"

Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Seattle Mariners

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