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14 quotes found searching on Location: Anaheim

For five years in the minor leagues, I wore the same underwear and still hit .250, so no, I don't believe in that stuff.

On stuperstitions

Johnnie B. "Dusty" Baker Jr.
Anaheim Angels
Bergen Record - 5/27/97 - S4

I was only halfway to the record and it seemed like it took me a long time. I feel like that one will never be broken. That record will never be touched.

On Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak, after Anderson's streak ended at 28 games.

Garret Joseph Anderson
Anaheim Angels

We're getting some of our personnel back. But you wonder if you brought in Henry Aaron and Lefty Grove if it would make a difference.

On his team's hapless 1999 season

Timothy Wayne "Tim" Belcher
Anaheim Angels

I'm still not sure (Collins) was the problem down there. It's more like a day-care center than a major-league clubhouse. Somebody said to me, 'You can't trade 25 guys.' I said, 'Why not?'

In shifting the blame for a sub-.400 last place 1999 season from fired Manager Terry Collins to the players

Tony Tavares
Anaheim Angels

Our opinion is that being aggressive will put a little bit more RBI and home runs in your corner. Strikeouts don't bother me. The only ones I worry about are the ones with runners in scoring position.

Michael Vaughn "Mickey" Hatcher
Anaheim Angels
Batting Coach

When I step up to the plate, I consider a man on first to already be in scoring position.

Mo Vaughn
Anaheim Angels

You're not always going to be perfect, but I always try to be. If making an error doesn't make you mad, what's the point? Why put all the work in?

Troy Glaus
Anaheim Angels

Baseball is life, life is baseball!

Tim Salmon
Anaheim Angels
Contributed by: Dickey

They say everything is in favor of the hitters. That's what people say. But you can load a ball up now and nobody says anything to you. You can wipe behind your head, go down your leg, go to your cap. They say everything is for the hitters, but, hey man, I don't ever see anybody get checked for loading balls up. I've heard guys say "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'." That didn't come from batters.

Johnnie B. "Dusty" Baker Jr.
Anaheim Angels

I said, "I'd be pissed too, if a guy was throwing at my head like that." He thought that was pretty funny. It kind of lightened the mood.

Greeting Oakland's visibly upset Frank Menechino at first base after he'd been hit in the foot by Angels pitcher Scott Schoenweis for the second time in the game

Scott Spiezio
Anaheim Angels

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