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197 quotes found searching on Position: OF

If they don't put Turkey Stearnes in the Hall of Fame, they shouldn't put anybody in.

On Norman Thomas "Turkey" Stearnes, centerfielder for the Detroit Stars of the Negro National League (Stearnes was eventually inducted into the HOF in 2000)

James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell
Homestead Grays
HOF 1974

Contributed by: Jonathan Chapman

I couldn't resist. I had such a great jump on the pitcher.

Upon making a great steal of third base, unfortunately while it was already occupied

Louis Alexander "Lou" Novikoff
Chicago Cubs
a.k.a. "The Mad Russian"

Two-thirds of the earth is covered by water, the other third by Garry Maddox.

Artfully describing the fielding prowess of the Phillies' outfielder

Ralph McPherran Kiner
Pittsburgh Pirates
HOF 1975

I only have one superstition. I make sure to tag every base when I hit a home run.

George Herman "Babe" Ruth
New York Yankees
HOF 1936

Baseball is a game, yes. It is also a business. But what it most truly is is disguised combat. For all its gentility, its almost leisurely pace, baseball is violence under wraps.

Willie Howard Mays
San Francisco Giants
HOF 1979; a.k.a. "Say Hey Kid"

I decided to pick out the greatest hitter to watch and study...I copied Jackson's style because I thought he was the greatest hitter I had ever seen, the greatest natural hitter I ever saw. He's the guy who made me a hitter.

On White Sox slugger 'Shoeless' Joe Jackson

George Herman "Babe" Ruth
New York Yankees
HOF 1936

When they tear this old place down they're going to take a piece of my heart with it.

On the impending demolition of County Stadium in Milwaukee (which took place in February of 2001) where he played for 14 seasons of his career including the stadium's inaugural 1954 season as well as the final two seasons of his career (1975-76)

Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron
Milwaukee Braves
HOF 1982

Leave him alone or I'll buy your team.

To a group of civic leaders in Jacksonville, FL, who had been pressuring Barons Manager Terry Francona with a non-baseball related issue regarding Jordan

Michael Jordan
Birmingham Barons
Class AA Southern League

You've got to bring on the same intensity no matter what the circumstances may be.

Gary Sheffield
Los Angeles Dodgers

I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive.

Roberto Clemente
Pittsburgh Pirates
HOF 1973

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